Julie Garcia

 Hello there!

I'm Julie Garcia. I am a fabric artist, entrepreneur and educator living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, a city in the beautiful Canadian Prairies. I love to create art with beautiful fabrics and thread. 

Whether you are an art lover looking for a new piece of art, or you are a quilter wanting to learn more about my fabric landscapes and embroidery, you're in the right place! This is where I show my latest work as well as the resources I have created to help other makers learn new techniques.

I am continually updating my  website, so please join my mail list so I can let you know when new art and classes are available.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. I'm glad we have connected and I look forward to our future fabric art journey together! 

~ Julie 



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Learn with me!

Where Would You Like To Start?

I am currently recording video courses! With easy-to-follow instructions, I will help to break down my process into 3 parts: 

1) Painting your own fabric, 2) building the landscape and 3)adding details with hand embroidery (my favourite part!). 

I'd love to help you learn new techniques so you can begin creating the masterpiece you’ve been dreaming of. Sign up on my mailing list to receive advance notice of each course before they launch!

Painting Fabric

Learn how to paint your own sky and landscape fabric so you have what you need to create a work of art!

Registration is OPEN!


Landscape Quilting

Design your landscape, choose the right fabrics and learn techniques for sewing it all together in the way you envision it.

Course under construction 🚧 


From beginner stitches to adding free-form landscape details with thread, ribbon and charms, you'll fall in love with hands-on process of embroidery.



Ideas and inspiration delivered to your inbox

Being a fabric fanatic is awesome. Being able to share it with others is even better! 

Join me for updates of what I'm working on, new fibre art videos and creative ideas.

I'll never spam you or sell your contact info. Unsubscibe anytime, no hard feelings.


I'm Julie Garcia

Growing up in a creative home, I have been sewing for as long as I can remember. Most of my stitching skills I learned from my mother (who coincidentally also taught my 4-H sewing classes). From sewing matching tracksuits for myself and my Cabbage Patch doll, to embroidering flowers on pillows and fabric jewelry boxes, I loved everything about sewing. I have dabbled in other types of art and proudly classify myself as crafty (there is nothing I won't try!), but I've always returned to hand-stitching and textiles. 

I studied Clothing & Textiles at the University of Manitoba in a Degree program in Human Ecology. My courses focused on textile science and apparel manufacturing, but I continued to sew for fun and as a hobby.

In my early twenties, I enrolled in a fabric landscape course in Olds, Alberta with fibre artist Judith Baker Montano. The knowledge and inspiration gained in that course, completely changed my life. I loved the idea of creating art for my walls with fabric. What could be better than "painting" with fabric and thread?!! Judith is the artist who first introduced me to silk ribbon embroidery and crazy quilting techniques. Her proficiency at stitching and ability to combine and layer colour using fabric and thread was captivating! Using many of the techniques I learned in this class, I developed my own style of textile art. I used Mickey Lawler's SkyDyes book to teach myself the basics of painting fabric and over the years I've continued to develop my technique and use it in my fabric landscape art.

Julie Garcia

See the Gallery

 My latest landscapes and work available for purchase
My gift to you!

Download your free copy of the Beginner's Guide to Painting Sky Fabric

Ready to try fabric painting? Use this 5-page step-by-step guide to create sky fabrics you'll love!



See what I'm working on

I often have multiple projects on the go and this is a space where I post about what's happening in my studio!

The Magic of Scraps

Sep 26, 2024

Sewing with Thrifted Fabric

Sep 11, 2024

Eyes on the Horizon

Aug 28, 2024