What I'm Working On

Hoping to give you new ideas and inspiration

Reviving Old Artwork

artwork fabric landscapes Nov 17, 2023
Reworking old artwork

I don't have a lot of unfinished sewing projects. In fact, I have a very difficult time moving on to a new project when the first one isn't finished. This might be due to my small studio space or simply the way my brain likes to organize things, but when I tell you this landscape has been haunting me for years, I mean it.

The date stamp on the above image is September 20, 2021. I loved the sky and the colours in this piece, but simply didn't know how to finish it... until now. I recently painted some wide blue sky fabric and and as soon as it dried, I thought of this landscape... the colour is perfect and the clouds feel like a continuation of the original sky.

Many years ago I made a wall quilt that had a central picture with wide borders added around it, carrying the image to the outer edge. I've decided to create a larger art quilt using this landscape as my centre. By building out the borders into a larger landscape, I will be able to play with adding some additional fabrics and will have more space for embellishment.

Though you can't see it in the picture, I am standing on a footstool so I can get up above my picture to take photos with my phone to check colours, compare fabric options and also look at perspective. I am figuring out the construction as I go, and keep auditioning fabrics until I find the right one. I need to remind myself not to overthink it as much of the foreground fabric will be covered up with embroidery anyway!

I am so pleased to be re-working this landscape into a unique and interesting project.


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