What I'm Working On

Hoping to give you new ideas and inspiration

Obsessed with Visible Mending

embroidery hand-stitching visible mending Feb 12, 2024
Visible mending on denim

I can't get enough of visible mending.

I'm embarrassed to admit that my daughters and I succumbed to the recent trend of buying super worn and pre-ripped jeans (why???🤦‍♀️) and now that it's not so cool, there seems to be an enormous number of holes to be repaired! Sashiko patterns combine my love of pattern repeats with tedious straight stitching. There is nothing like watching the pattern take shape as grids are filled out with running stitches in repetitive patterns.

Visible mending is something I have been doing for many years, but the unique art of sashiko stitching in visible mending was introduced to me during the pandemic (thank you YouTube). I have since devoured many books on the subject and continue to experiment in these fascinating patterns. Countless hours have been spent planning out and stitching my next mend...



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